Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Girls Ask Guys

Girls often cannot understand the behavior of guys and what they want, viceversa. If you experience the same problem, then this site is worth to visit.
This site is a place where girls asks guys to get an answer for their problems with guys, viceversa.

If you are a guy and you have problems to understand girls around you, just ask the female members of this site. And on the other side, if you are a girl and you have problems to understand the weird behavior of guys around you, just ask the male member of this site.

Bila kamu menemui masalah dalam memahami tingkah pasangan anda, maka tidak ada salahnya mencari jawaban di website ini. Website ini sengaja dirancang untuk mencari jawaban atas pertanya wanita terhadap pria dan sebaliknya.

Bila kamu seorang pria yang sedang dihinggapi kebingungan dengan tingkah wanita di sekitar kamu, tanyakan saja pada anggota wanita website ini. Demikian pula sebaliknya, bila kamu seorang wanita yang tidak mengerti mengapa pria berpolah aneh di sekeliling kamu, tanyakan saja langsung pada anggota pria di website ini.

Address : Girls Ask Guys

Online Services : FixYa

It's very annoying if you've just bought something, but it's not working. And then you figure out that there is no manual book with it. And the worst, when you open the address of the official website of the company in the internet, you cannot find the technical support for the product.
If you experience this, don't throw the product into the dust bin immediately.
Just relax, and open this site. This site was made to accommodate the problems experienced by consumers, specially electronic and automotive products. Just fill in the name of the product and you'll see the technical support for the product.

If you don't find the answer for your problem(s), then you can leave your question (problem) and wait for the people behind the scene, I mean behind the web to reply. ^_^

Address : FixYa

What the Font ?!

A Font search engine. Well, with this site, you can figure out what font is used in a magazine or newspaper by scanning the article and then upload the file in this website. Or if you find an interesting font in a site in the form of an image or flash, just write down the URL Address in this site, and then the site will identify the font for you.
The site will show you the search result and the link(s) to download the font if available. You can also use this site to promote and sell your own font. Just register your font and give some information about the font and the download link for the font, and of course the price !!! ^_^

Sebuah website yang cukup unik yang merupakan search engine untuk mencari font-font yang menarik yang tidak biasa gitu lho. ^_^

Jadi bagi kamu-kamu yang pengen berkreasi tapi belum mendapatkan font yang cocok untuk karya kamu, maka bisa mencoba search engine khusus FONT yang satu ini.
Jika kamu menemukan suatu font di sebuat koran atau majalah, maka kamu tinggal scan artikel tersebut dan upload disini. Web ini akan otomatis mengidentifikasinya untuk kamu. Segere akan keluar hasil pencarian beserta link downloadnya jika ada. Demikian juga, jika font tersebut kamu temukan di sebuat website/blog, kamu tinggal memasukkan alamat website tersebut disini.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa memnafaatkan website ini untuk menjual dan mempromosikan font hasil kreasi kamu sendiri hanya dengan mendaftar di website ini serta memberikan informasi dan download link untuk font kamu, tentu saja beserta harganya.
Lumayan bukan?? ^_^

Address : My Fonts

Criminal Searches

A search engine to search for criminals in USA. Just by filling name in the form, you'll get information conducted by him/her.
An interesting site, isn't it?

Address : Criminal Searches